ohio national guard enlisted association
Where your voice matters!
Contact Your Association
Email: president@ongea.org
2825 West Dublin Granville Rd Suite C119
Columbus, OH 43235
Why Join?
Advocacy for Benefits
Emergency Relief Grants
Educational Scholarships
Updates on Current Issues
Professional Development
YOU can effect change!
Post 9-11 educational benefits
TRICARE Reserve Select Benefits
Military retirement free from state taxes
Early retirement with active-duty tours
ONG Scholarship Program at 100% State Tuition
Tricare for all Reservists
Affordable Health Care for Gray Area Reserve Retirees
GI Bill parity for National Guard and Reservists
Civilian licenses and certificates for military training
Reserve Employers Comprehensive Tax Relief and Incentives
“ONGEA is the Professional Association for enlisted members in the Ohio Army and Air National Guard. It engages with National Guard leadership and elected representatives to advocate for the benefits of all Ohio National Guard members. ONGEA’s mission is to give a voice to the enlisted National Guard men and women, their families, and retirees. This website is intended to share the priorities and efforts of our association with all members. If you’re a current member – thank you! If you aren’t – please consider joining!”