COVID 19 Relief Grant

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September 1, 2020
The We Care For Ohio (WCFO) COVID Emergency Relief Fund, funded and distributed by the Ohio National Guard Enlisted Association (ONGEA) can provide financial assistance to current National Guard members who are experiencing financial hardship due to having lost their primary income, or who have an increased financial burden as a direct result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Grant funds will be utilized to pay a bill for basic household needs such as housing, utilities, medical services, childcare, and other essential family support items which have become difficult to afford as a result of the national pandemic. Grants will be paid directly to the creditor/biller and not to the Guardsmen directly.Applications must be accompanied by specific documentation to prove a COVID-related hardship exist:
• A letter from your employer that documents that the financial need is related to COVID-19, AND a document confirming National Guard membership
• OR a letter of endorsement from your Commander, Senior Enlisted Leader/Advisors confirming National Guard membership along with the details of your COVID-related financial emergency
• OR a letter from the State Family Program Office confirming National Guard membership along with details to show your financial emergency is related to the COVID-19 pandemic
***Do not send personally identifiable information (PII) i.e. social security, identification cards, drivers license number, etc.***
• AND a copy of the bill/invoice that is to be paid by the grantNOTE: Membership in ONGEA is not required to apply for the WCFO COVID Emergency Relief Fund.The Fund can only support one emergency financial request per household. Because of the projected wide-spread need for assistance, grants will be capped at $500. Our window to apply will only be open until our funds are exhausted.We ask that applications be submitted by Ohio National Guard members who need assistance as a result of a COVID-19 related financial hardship. It’s important to note that even if applicants qualify, they may not receive a grant if our funding is exhausted. It is our goal to process applications within five days of receipt and to get the funds to those approved as quickly as possible.