
PURPOSE: To promote the status, welfare, and professionalism of the enlisted members of the Ohio National Guard.

MISSION: To support initiatives that promote and provide opportunities for enlisted members to prosper.

VISION: The Ohio National Guard Enlisted Association (ONGEA) will:

  • Be an advocate for the enlisted members of the Ohio National Guard to enhance their quality of life.
  • Provide a forum that enables enlisted members to influence change assuring the prosperity of the Ohio National Guard.
  • Establish an atmosphere in which enlisted members have the opportunity to achieve individual career goals.


  • PEOPLE – Our members are our driving force.  They provide support, vitality, spirit, and influence for programs in our organization.
  • FAMILY – builds a healthy and loving relationship, which allows us to become our best selves.  Strong family values are critical to the health and strength of our organization.
  • SERVICES – to provide quality, accurate and timely services to our members.
  • COMMITMENT – through selfless service.
  • EDUCATION – by providing information to our members, families, legislators and the community.
  • RECOGNITION – to honor outstanding achievements through an aggressive awards program.

Although ONGEA has had most of its success in effective legislation benefiting Ohio National Guard members, there are many other reasons to join.  ONGEA is successful in selecting programs that benefit Ohio National Guard members and their families.

As a paid member of ONGEA, you also become a member of the Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States – EANGUS.  Your membership in EANGUS entitles you to additional features and benefits.  Please visit the EANGUS web-site – www.eangus.org – for information on the accomplishments of EANGUS and the additional benefits of membership in the national organization.  Thank you for your support and membership.