by MICHAEL SCHAEFER | May 31, 2015 | Uncategorized
2015 ONGEA Awards Banquet Flyer Click HERE for online registration/payment Please join the Ohio National Guard Enlisted Association at our annual banquet, where we will recognize the Servicemembers of the Year for 2014, both Air and Army National Guard. ONGEA and...
by MICHAEL SCHAEFER | Mar 22, 2015 | Uncategorized
Check out the latest issue of the ONGEA newsletter, “The Voice.”
by MICHAEL SCHAEFER | Feb 12, 2015 | Uncategorized
Attention all ONGEA members!! Mark your calendars for April 23-25, 2015, and come to Columbus for the Annual ONGA/ONGEA Spring Events Weekend! Please click the link below for all the details, to register online, and to reserve your hotel room if needed. 2015 Joint...
by MICHAEL SCHAEFER | Feb 8, 2015 | Uncategorized
A few good news stories coming out of the efforts we had from last year’s resolutions. The NDAA 2015 saw a few of our efforts become law. National Resolution (NR) 14-04 (Increasing the Unspecified Minor Military Construction (UMMC) threshold), NR 14-05...
by MICHAEL SCHAEFER | Jan 26, 2015 | Uncategorized